Sunday, February 14, 2010

Academic Earth Review: Free Video Lectures

Academic Earth is a fascinating new website that presents an absolute goldmine to anyone who is interested in furthering their education but does not have the time or the resources to do so. With a mission statement of giving everyone on earth access to a world-class education, Academic Earth offers users access to the syllabus, video lectures and other study materials to sit in on courses offered by the top educational institutions in the country. Regardless of your field of academic interest, Academic Earth has full course loads of materials provided completely free of charge that allow you to further your education from the comfort of home. Unlike many online courses, however, the video recordings of actual class room lectures give you the ability to enjoy the class room dynamic of students and professors hashing out topics in a traditional academic setting.

At Academic Earth, users from around the world can easily find video courses and lectures covering undergraduate and graduate level topics from Ivy League universities and other important educational institutions. Whether you are a lifelong student of the world or you never had the chance to enjoy the benefits of a traditional college education, Academic Earth offers the average person unprecedented access into the academic world of the nation's most elite institutions.

Complete courses and individual lectures are posted at Academic Earth on nearly every subject possible, ranging from philosophy courses dedicated to investigating matters of political courses or death to advanced courses on higher mathematics and the physical sciences.

Academic Earth's offices are located in San Francisco, California.

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